{"glossary":[{"id":"31081","word":"abiding:","def":"continuing without change; enduring; lasting."},{"id":"246854","word":"aboriginal:","def":"characteristic of groups of people that have existed from the earliest days; existing from the earliest known times."},{"id":"261971","word":"acuity:","def":"the ability to understand quickly and clearly; perceptiveness of mind."},{"id":"213886","word":"adage:","def":"a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation; a proverb."},{"id":"39775","word":"aesthetics:","def":"the study or theory of beauty and responses to it; specifically, the branch of philosophy dealing with art, its creative sources, its forms and its effects."},{"id":"104792","word":"afield:","def":"distant from a place, area or the like."},{"id":"168985","word":"airy:","def":"like air in its (apparently) intangible or empty character; not based on reality."},{"id":"250275","word":"Alaskan Radio Experimental Expedition:","def":"a 1,\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e500-mile\u003c/span\u003e (2,\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e400-kilometer\u003c/span\u003e) voyage conducted to provide data for correct mapping of the coastline between the northwestern shores of the continental US and the southern part of Alaska. The expedition resulted in photographs and navigational information to correct the previously mischarted coastline."},{"id":"254903","word":"Aleutian islanders:","def":"a Native North American people of southwestern coastal Alaska and the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eAleutian Islands,\u003c/span\u003e a chain of islands off southwest Alaska. These islands separate the Bering Sea to the north from the Pacific Ocean to the south."},{"id":"185508","word":"American Fiction Guild:","def":"a national organization of magazine fiction writers and novelists in the United States in the 1930s. L. Ron Hubbard was the president of the New York chapter in 1936."},{"id":"254773","word":"American University:","def":"a private university in Washington, DC, founded in 1893. It offers courses in a broad range of fields, including arts and sciences, communications, public affairs, business administration and law."},{"id":"257409","word":"Anglican Church:","def":"any Christian church that follows the teachings of the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eChurch of England,\u003c/span\u003e the national church of England that has the king or queen of England as its head."},{"id":"40357","word":"annotation(s):","def":"a note added to a text, diagram, chart or the like, giving explanation or comment."},{"id":"100095","word":"anthology:","def":"a book or other collection of selected writings by various authors, usually in the same literary form or the same period or on the same subject."},{"id":"261868","word":"antisubmarine:","def":"of or relating to the various methods employed in war to detect and fight enemy submarines, including locating with a device that picks up reflected pulses of sound and fighting with various explosive devices."},{"id":"157387","word":"apathies:","def":"attitudes or feelings of apathy manifested by a lack of feeling or emotion; absences of interest or concern."},{"id":"245070","word":"aphorism:","def":"a succinct statement expressing a general truth or an opinion."},{"id":"260081","word":"Apollo:","def":"from the late 1960s through the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003emid-1970s\u003c/span\u003e, the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eupper-management\u003c/span\u003e activities for all Churches of Scientology over the world were conducted from a fleet of ships, the main vessel being the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eApollo\u003c/span\u003e. The vessel also served as L. Ron Hubbard’s home and center for his many research activities."},{"id":"250708","word":"Argosy:","def":"an American fiction magazine published by the Frank A. Munsey Company, first produced in the late 1800s. Containing science fiction, fantasy and other genres."},{"id":"254837","word":"arranging:","def":"the action of choosing the instruments and adding chording (harmonious combinations of three or more notes played simultaneously) and backup to a melody."},{"id":"41903","word":"array:","def":"a large group, number or quantity (of things)."},{"id":"261987","word":"arrayed:","def":"placed or positioned properly, as for effective use."},{"id":"254710","word":"associate professor:","def":"an academic ranking immediately below full professor, the highest rank."},{"id":"205341","word":"Astounding Science Fiction:","def":"a magazine founded in 1930, which featured adventure stories and, later, science fiction."},{"id":"261936","word":"Athena:","def":"a Sea Org ship, originally named \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eAvon River\u003c/span\u003e. A converted fishing vessel, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eAthena\u003c/span\u003e was approximately 145 feet (44 meters) long and steam driven."},{"id":"261886","word":"auditing:","def":"also called \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eprocessing,\u003c/span\u003e the application of Dianetics or Scientology techniques (called \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eprocesses\u003c/span\u003e).\u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"257790","word":"auspices of, under the:","def":"with the approval or support of."},{"id":"226361","word":"axiomatic:","def":"based on or having to do with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eaxioms,\u003c/span\u003e statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences."},{"id":"159775","word":"axioms:","def":"statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences."},{"id":"251680","word":"back seat, take a:","def":"occupy a secondary position."},{"id":"245472","word":"balladeer:","def":"a person who sings \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eballads, \u003c/span\u003eany light, simple song, especially one of sentimental or romantic character."},{"id":"180828","word":"barnstorming:","def":"in the early days of aviation, touring (the country) giving short airplane rides, exhibitions of stunt flying, etc. This term comes from the use of barns as hangars."},{"id":"245860","word":"barometer:","def":"something that indicates a change. Literally, a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ebarometer\u003c/span\u003e is an instrument that measures changes in atmospheric pressure as a signal of changing weather."},{"id":"261874","word":"bear, bring to:","def":"exert an influence on, so as to cause an effect or attain something desired."},{"id":"254742","word":"behest:","def":"an earnest or strongly worded request."},{"id":"245368","word":"beleaguered:","def":"surrounded with an army so as to prevent escape; hemmed in."},{"id":"223994","word":"benchmark:","def":"pertaining to or used as a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which anything similar must be measured or judged."},{"id":"29935","word":"bereft:","def":"lacking in something desirable or necessary."},{"id":"261876","word":"besieged:","def":"flooded with large numbers of questions, requests and the like."},{"id":"245744","word":"bespeaking of:","def":"speaking of or showing beforehand."},{"id":"253992","word":"bestow:","def":"give or present something to someone."},{"id":"245187","word":"big band:","def":"a jazz or dance band having usually sixteen to twenty players, including sections of different instruments (for example, rhythm, brass, etc.) and performing arrangements of jazz, popular dance music, etc."},{"id":"95325","word":"biochemical:","def":"of or concerning the chemical substances present in living organisms and the changes, reactions, etc., related to the chemical processes that happen in living things."},{"id":"12728","word":"Blackfeet:","def":"a group of Native North American peoples including the Blackfeet of Montana and several tribes now living in Canada. This group controlled areas that were fought over by fur traders in the 1800s."},{"id":"244953","word":"Black Mask:","def":"one of the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ebest-known\u003c/span\u003e and admired pulp fiction magazines. Originally an \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eall-around\u003c/span\u003e publication that included detective, westerns and aviation stories, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eBlack Mask\u003c/span\u003e later focused on detective fiction, publishing stories by top writers in the field."},{"id":"254839","word":"blood brother:","def":"either one of two men or boys who have sworn mutual loyalty and friendship, typically by a ritual or ceremony involving a superficial cut in the skin and the mingling (mixing) of each other’s blood."},{"id":"245295","word":"brigade(s):","def":"in the Canadian and US fur trade, a convoy of canoes, sleds, wagons or pack animals used to supply trappers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries."},{"id":"251628","word":"British Columbia:","def":"a province in western Canada on the Pacific coast."},{"id":"214488","word":"budding:","def":"beginning to show a particular degree of understanding, skill, proficiency or the like; developing."},{"id":"254797","word":"Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation:","def":"an agency responsible for examination and licensing of marine officers and for inspection and enforcement of marine safety laws. Originally the bureau was part of the Department of Commerce. The licensing function was later assigned to the Coast Guard.\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003e \u003c/span\u003e(\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMarine\u003c/span\u003e means of or related to navigation, shipping or the sea.) \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eSee also\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003eDepartment of Commerce.\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"244744","word":"Burks, Arthur J.:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1898–1974\u003c/span\u003e) American writer whose enormous output for the pulps included aviation, detective, adventure and horror stories."},{"id":"254215","word":"Burroughs, Edgar Rice:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1875–1950\u003c/span\u003e) American writer best known for creating the character Tarzan in his novel \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eTarzan of the Apes,\u003c/span\u003e which appeared in 1914. Burroughs also wrote science fiction novels. Along with his \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003etwenty-six\u003c/span\u003e Tarzan stories, he wrote a total of more than seventy books."},{"id":"158444","word":"byroad:","def":"a side road or a minor road. Used figuratively to mean a course of action, investigation, etc., that is minor or less important when compared to others."},{"id":"244780","word":"calypso:","def":"a musical style of West Indian origin, influenced by jazz, usually having improvised lyrics reflecting current interests."},{"id":"262013","word":"canon:","def":"a list of literary works considered to be permanently established as being of the highest quality."},{"id":"251213","word":"Card, Orson Scott:","def":"(1951– ) American author of science fiction, fantasy, poetry, plays and scripts. His speculative fiction novels have earned him numerous awards including the Nebula and Hugo. Card is a professor of literature and writing and has authored two books on writing. He has also been a Writers of the Future judge since 1994 and served as an instructor at the first Writers of the Future workshop in 1986."},{"id":"178111","word":"catalyst:","def":"something that stimulates a reaction, development or change."},{"id":"41522","word":"cellular:","def":"having to do with a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecell,\u003c/span\u003e the smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning."},{"id":"244616","word":"Chandler, Raymond:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1888–1959\u003c/span\u003e) American author of crime and detective stories, mostly set in Los Angeles during the 1930s and 1940s."},{"id":"245253","word":"cinematographic:","def":"relating to, used in or connected with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecinematography,\u003c/span\u003e the art, science and work of lighting and photography in making films."},{"id":"254180","word":"cite(d):","def":"mention, especially as an example of what one is saying."},{"id":"234292","word":"Classification and Gradation Chart:","def":"also called the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eBridge,\u003c/span\u003e the precise steps of auditing and training that one advances through to reach one’s native potentials. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eClassification\u003c/span\u003e refers to training and the fact that certain actions are required, or skills attained, before an individual is classified for a particular training level and allowed onto the next class. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eGradation\u003c/span\u003e refers to the gradual improvement that occurs in Scientology auditing."},{"id":"255779","word":"Clear:","def":"a being who no longer has his own reactive mind. He is a person who is not affected by aberration (any deviation or departure from rationality). He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint."},{"id":"223610","word":"cloistered:","def":"secluded or sheltered from the harsh realities of life, similar to living in a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecloister,\u003c/span\u003e literally, a place where people live a life of religious seclusion and contemplation."},{"id":"245188","word":"combo:","def":"a small jazz or dance band having usually from three to six players."},{"id":"195002","word":"commissioned:","def":"given a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecommission,\u003c/span\u003e a document conferring authority to officers in the army, navy and other military services, issued by the president of the United States."},{"id":"162692","word":"common denominator:","def":"something common to or characteristic of a number of people, things, situations, etc.; shared characteristic."},{"id":"225192","word":"composition:","def":"the arrangement of elements within a photograph so that they are displayed in their most pleasing arrangement as a harmonious, \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ewell-balanced\u003c/span\u003e whole."},{"id":"257529","word":"Compton:","def":"a city and suburb of Los Angeles, California."},{"id":"190647","word":"compunction:","def":"a strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt."},{"id":"246425","word":"Computer Musical Instrument (CMI):","def":"a \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ecomputer-based\u003c/span\u003e musical instrument with a keyboard like that of a piano, capable of recording any sound from natural or electronic sources, such as animals, the wind, a tape machine or other sound source. Sounds recorded into it would conform to musical notes, playable by means of its keyboard like any other musical note. The CMI was also called the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eFairlight,\u003c/span\u003e a name given it by its creator, who named it after a ferryboat in Sydney, Australia."},{"id":"261969","word":"conception:","def":"an idea of what something or someone is like or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle."},{"id":"158527","word":"conglomeration:","def":"an accumulation or mass of dissimilar materials or elements."},{"id":"251286","word":"Congolese:","def":"of or relating to the people, culture, etc., of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Formerly a colony of Belgium, the country became independent in 1960 and has experienced much turmoil from civil wars."},{"id":"245857","word":"contemplative:","def":"given to \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003econtemplation,\u003c/span\u003e the action of thinking or considering something; theoretical as opposed to practical."},{"id":"254412","word":"control group:","def":"a group of individuals not using some procedure as compared with those who do use it, created to correctly compare and contrast the results of a test."},{"id":"78601","word":"convoy:","def":"a group of ships traveling together and accompanied by a protecting escort."},{"id":"31276","word":"cornerstone:","def":"a fundamental element or part of something; basic; essential. Literally, a cornerstone is a stone that forms part of the corner of the foundation of a building."},{"id":"251727","word":"corollary:","def":"that follows from or derives naturally from a circumstance or phenomenon; resulting."},{"id":"172328","word":"court:","def":"the residence of a king, queen or other high dignitary; palace."},{"id":"249985","word":"Creston, California:","def":"a rural community in central California, known for its horse ranches."},{"id":"251682","word":"Curaçao:","def":"an island in the southern Caribbean Sea, lying off the coast of Venezuela. The island, an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a popular tourist destination."},{"id":"262099","word":"cursory:","def":"going rapidly over something, without becoming involved in details."},{"id":"245530","word":"cusp of, from the:","def":"at or during a time of transition, such as the moment of, or just before, a major change or event."},{"id":"251631","word":"cyberspace iniquity:","def":"abuse of free speech to spread falsehoods and hatred anonymously or otherwise through the Internet."},{"id":"261901","word":"daredevil:","def":"a person who shows a carefree disregard for risk or danger, especially by performing dangerous stunts."},{"id":"262001","word":"date coincident:","def":"happening or existing at the same time."},{"id":"172352","word":"decree:","def":"a formal and authoritative order, especially one having the force of law."},{"id":"211752","word":"decreed:","def":"commanded (something); ordered or assigned authoritatively."},{"id":"156809","word":"decry:","def":"speak out against strongly and openly; denounce."},{"id":"254756","word":"deficit(s):","def":"the amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time."},{"id":"162763","word":"definitive:","def":"having a fixed and final form; providing a solution or final answer; satisfying all requirements."},{"id":"212396","word":"deleterious:","def":"harmful to health or \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ewell-being\u003c/span\u003e; injurious."},{"id":"172358","word":"denomination:","def":"a religious group united under a common faith with a specific name and organization."},{"id":"261184","word":"Department of Commerce:","def":"a department of the United States Government established in 1903 with the purpose to promote the nation’s economic development and technological advancement. During the early 1900s, one of the department’s functions was issuing licenses to \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emasters,\u003c/span\u003e those in command of nonnaval ships. This function was later assigned to the US Coast Guard."},{"id":"254604","word":"derivation symbols:","def":"any symbols, abbreviations or the like used in presenting data about a  \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ederivation,\u003c/span\u003e the origin and development of a word showing how it has arrived at its current form and meaning. These could include symbols such as + (to show that a word is made up of two parts) or \u0026lt; (to show that a word comes from an earlier word) or abbreviations of names of languages, etc."},{"id":"214743","word":"diagrammatic:","def":"in the form of an explanatory drawing or chart."},{"id":"215077","word":"Dianetics:","def":"Dianetics is a forerunner and substudy of Scientology. Dianetics means “through the mind” or “through the soul” (from Greek \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003edia,\u003c/span\u003e through, and \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003enous,\u003c/span\u003e mind or soul). Dianetics is further defined as what the mind or soul is doing to the body."},{"id":"262111","word":"Dianetics: ","def":"an article originally written by L. Ron Hubbard for a national magazine, published in advance of the release of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health\u003c/span\u003e and detailing how he arrived at the breakthrough discoveries of Dianetics."},{"id":"261920","def":"a book written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1948, detailing the first formal record of his research and discoveries on the structure and function of the human mind."},{"id":"216134","word":"diction:","def":"way of speaking or pronouncing words."},{"id":"261983","word":"die-hard:","def":"resistant to any kind of change and reluctant to give up habits, beliefs or attitudes."},{"id":"254782","word":"dimension:","def":"any of the component aspects of a particular situation, etc., especially one newly discovered."},{"id":"71020","word":"discipline:","def":"a branch of knowledge or learning."},{"id":"254755","word":"distillation:","def":"something that has been refined by having essential elements discovered or brought to view."},{"id":"254758","word":"doctrine:","def":"a body of ideas, particularly in religion, taught to people as true or correct."},{"id":"243366","word":"doled out:","def":"given out in small portions."},{"id":"249841","word":"downs:","def":"treeless, hilly areas with fairly smooth slopes usually covered with grass, particularly as found in southern England."},{"id":"251639","word":"drive-by shooting:","def":"an attack on a person, group or building carried out by an individual or individuals from a moving vehicle. Drive-by shootings are employed by gang members often in revenge murders."},{"id":"31955","word":"drive(s):","def":"an inner urge that stimulates activity; energy and initiative."},{"id":"261979","word":"Dr. P.H.:","def":"an abbreviation for \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDoctor of Public Health\u003c/span\u003e. The field of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epublic health\u003c/span\u003e includes areas such as health education, the prevention and control of diseases, environmental safety and pollution control."},{"id":"250342","word":"Dunedin, Florida:","def":"a city and winter resort area in western Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico."},{"id":"231675","word":"dynamic:","def":"full of energy, enthusiasm and a sense of purpose, and able both to get things going and to get things done."},{"id":"238218","word":"Dynamic Principle of Existence:","def":"the lowest common denominator of \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eexistence—the\u003c/span\u003e discovery by L. Ron Hubbard that the goal of life can be considered to be infinite survival. Man, as a life form, can be demonstrated to obey in all his actions and purposes the one command, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003e“Survive!”\u003c/span\u003e It is not a new thought that Man is surviving. It is a new thought that Man is motivated only by survival."},{"id":"254218","word":"Eagle Scout:","def":"a Boy Scout who has reached the highest level of attainment in various tests of skill and endurance."},{"id":"261998","word":"earthquake, Los Angeles:","def":"a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred approximately 20 miles (31 kilometers) from downtown Los Angeles, California, in 1994. It resulted in more than fifty deaths and many billions in property damage. Damage occurred up to 85 miles (125 kilometers) from the center of the earthquake."},{"id":"251380","word":"Eastern Cape:","def":"a province in southeastern South Africa, on the Indian Ocean."},{"id":"254808","word":"echelon:","def":"a level, as in a steplike arrangement or order. An \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eechelon\u003c/span\u003e is one of a series in a field of activity."},{"id":"261962","word":"eclipsed:","def":"blocked or obscured, as if by being covered over. Literally, an eclipse occurs, for example, when the Sun is hidden from view because the Moon comes between it and the observer."},{"id":"261966","word":"edge on it, not to put too fine an:","def":"expressing (something) in a blunt, direct way."},{"id":"160004","word":"efficacy:","def":"the capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness."},{"id":"167120","word":"Elizabeth, New Jersey:","def":"a city in northeastern New Jersey, USA, which was the location of the first Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1950–1951\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"262002","word":"El Tiempo:","def":"a daily newspaper published in Bogotá, Colombia, and having several regional editions. With its national distribution, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eEl Tiempo\u003c/span\u003e is the largest newspaper in the country. It was founded in 1911."},{"id":"173586","word":"embracive:","def":"including the entirety of something, so as to be complete."},{"id":"253167","word":"Emotional Tone Scale:","def":"a scale that shows the successive emotional tones a person can experience. By \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003etone\u003c/span\u003e is meant the momentary or continuing emotional state of a person. Emotions such as fear, anger, grief, enthusiasm and others which people experience are shown on this graduated scale. A Tone Scale tells you how people behave. If people are at a certain level on the Tone Scale, then they behave in a certain way and you can predict how they will behave."},{"id":"163597","word":"end, to that:","def":"for that purpose or reason."},{"id":"98390","word":"engender:","def":"bring into existence; produce."},{"id":"31968","word":"engrams:","def":"mental recordings of pain and unconsciousness."},{"id":"261909","word":"enjoined:","def":"urged in an authoritative way; directed."},{"id":"257590","word":"ensconced:","def":"established in a place or position."},{"id":"254852","word":"enthralling:","def":"intensely interesting; thrilling."},{"id":"254777","word":"environmentalist:","def":"a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment."},{"id":"210514","word":"Environmental Protection Agency:","def":"an agency of the United States Government established in 1970 and responsible for protecting the environment and maintaining it for future generations. The EPA is supposed to control and reduce air pollution, water pollution and pollution by radiation, pesticides and other toxic substances."},{"id":"261908","word":"episodic:","def":"divided into, or composed of, closely connected but independent sections. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eSee also\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003eserial.\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"245075","word":"ethnocentric:","def":"evaluating other cultures according to preconceptions originating in one’s own culture."},{"id":"250805","word":"ethnological:","def":"of or having to do with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eethnology,\u003c/span\u003e the science that analyzes cultures, especially in regard to their historical development and the similarities and dissimilarities between them."},{"id":"257551","word":"Eufaula, Lake:","def":"a lake in the eastern part of Oklahoma, a state in the south central part of the United States."},{"id":"221583","word":"evoking:","def":"bringing to mind a memory or feeling, especially from the past."},{"id":"251718","word":"exacerbated:","def":"made worse, said of an already bad or problematic situation."},{"id":"186430","word":"“Excalibur”:","def":"a philosophic manuscript written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1938. Although unpublished as such, the body of information it contained has since been released in various Dianetics and Scientology materials."},{"id":"156064","word":"exigencies:","def":"pressing needs or requirements of circumstances; demands."},{"id":"260044","word":"Explorers Club:","def":"an organization, headquartered in New York and founded in 1904, devoted exclusively to promoting the science of exploration. To further this aim, it provides grants for those who wish to participate in field research projects and expeditions. It has provided logistical support for some of the twentieth century’s most daring expeditions. L. Ron Hubbard was a lifetime member of the Explorers Club."},{"id":"260016","word":"Explorers Club flag:","def":"a flag awarded to active members of the Explorers Club who are in command of, or serving with, expeditions that further the cause of exploration and field science. Since 1918 the Explorers Club flag has been carried on hundreds of expeditions, including those to both North and South Poles, the summit of Mount Everest and the surface of the Moon. Many famous persons in history have carried the Explorers Club flag, including L. Ron Hubbard."},{"id":"254221","word":"Explorers Journal, The:","def":"a quarterly periodical published since 1921 by the Explorers Club. The club’s \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eJournal\u003c/span\u003e publishes articles and photographs from club members and others on expeditions across the globe."},{"id":"245786","word":"expunging:","def":"getting rid of something completely, doing away with."},{"id":"261892","word":"extended:","def":"(of a family group) including parents and children, together with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and sometimes more distant relatives."},{"id":"237453","word":"extracurricular:","def":"done or happening outside of one’s regular study or program of courses."},{"id":"260812","word":"fabric:","def":"the essential structure of anything; framework."},{"id":"185676","word":"facsimile:","def":"a copy or representation (of something)."},{"id":"210178","word":"faction(s):","def":"a group that is a minority within a larger group and has specific interests or beliefs that are not always in harmony with the larger group."},{"id":"162850","word":"factor in:","def":"include something as a relevant element."},{"id":"261927","word":"fallout, radioactive:","def":"airborne radioactive dust and material shot into the atmosphere by a nuclear explosion which then settles to the ground. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eRadioactive\u003c/span\u003e describes a substance that sends out harmful energy in the form of streams of very small particles due to the decay (breaking down) of atoms within the substance."},{"id":"216159","word":"far-flung:","def":"extended far or to a great distance; remote."},{"id":"261881","word":"fathomed:","def":"penetrated (something, such as a mystery, puzzle or the like) and understood thoroughly."},{"id":"210508","word":"fatty tissue:","def":"body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs."},{"id":"261952","word":"feet, find (one’s):","def":"get on one’s feet; settle down and develop a grip on one’s work, activity, etc."},{"id":"253620","word":"filmic:","def":"of or relating to motion pictures."},{"id":"261967","word":"fine an edge on it, not to put too:","def":"expressing (something) in a blunt, direct way."},{"id":"251635","word":"fire retardant:","def":"a chemical substance, very poisonous to the environment, that has the ability or tendency to slow up or halt the spread of fire. One of the most frequently used fire retardants was accidentally introduced into animal feed in the early 1970s in Michigan (a state in the north central United States), leading to the poisoning of many residents who came in contact with the substance."},{"id":"251794","word":"first-step program:","def":"any program that seeks to improve social behavior, responsibility and the like, especially for young people who have become involved with crime, by providing the basics as a first step in making such improvements."},{"id":"250240","word":"Five-Novels Monthly:","def":"a pulp magazine published from 1928 until the late 1940s."},{"id":"245516","word":"flamenco:","def":"the Spanish gypsy style of dance (characterized by stamping, clapping, etc.) or music (typically very emotional and mournful)."},{"id":"210589","word":"flashback:","def":"a memory, past incident or event occurring again vividly in one’s mind. Specifically, with certain drugs (such as LSD and similar drugs), it is the reemergence of some aspect of the hallucination (which took place while on the drug) in the absence of the drug. The most common form includes altered visual images; wavering, altered borders to visual images; or trails of light."},{"id":"230699","word":"floundering:","def":"characterized by confused or purposeless motion."},{"id":"261917","word":"follow suit:","def":"do the same as something else has done; follow an example set."},{"id":"261754","word":"footage:","def":"a motion picture scene or scenes."},{"id":"251673","word":"foray:","def":"a new undertaking, especially outside one’s usual area."},{"id":"246690","word":"forefront:","def":"the position of greatest importance or prominence."},{"id":"261965","word":"fore, to the:","def":"to a position of prominence or importance."},{"id":"198814","word":"Founding Church:","def":"the Founding Church of Scientology, Washington, DC, established in 1955. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003efounding church \u003c/span\u003eis one from which other churches have their origin or derive their authority."},{"id":"261902","word":"free-flight:","def":"characteristic of any flying, as in a glider, that is not assisted by the power of an engine."},{"id":"220431","word":"freelance:","def":"of or pertaining to a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003efreelance,\u003c/span\u003e a writer who writes stories or articles for a number of employers rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer."},{"id":"254851","word":"Freudian theory:","def":"also called \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epsychoanalysis,\u003c/span\u003e a system of mental therapy developed by Sigmund Freud (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1856–1939\u003c/span\u003e) in Austria in 1894 and which depended upon the following practices for its effects: the patient was encouraged to talk about and recall his childhood years while the practitioner searched for hidden sexual incidents believed by Freud to be the cause of mental ills. The practitioner read significances into all statements and evaluated them for the patient (told him what to think) along \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003esex-related\u003c/span\u003e lines."},{"id":"261972","word":"fringe:","def":"the outer part of something; a part regarded as extreme or not of the mainstream."},{"id":"12751","word":"fruit:","def":"the result or reward of work or activity."},{"id":"252201","word":"full-fledged:","def":"with or having full rank, standing or status."},{"id":"237470","word":"function:","def":"intellectual powers; mental action; thought, as contrasted with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003estructure,\u003c/span\u003e how something is built or its physical design."},{"id":"251640","word":"gangbang:","def":"an instance of violence involving members of a criminal gang."},{"id":"261943","word":"garner:","def":"collect or accumulate, as if by gathering."},{"id":"251647","word":"Gauteng Province:","def":"a province in northeastern South Africa, location of the city of Johannesburg, the largest city in the country."},{"id":"245485","word":"genre(s):","def":"a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form or content."},{"id":"23172","word":"George Washington University:","def":"a private university, founded in 1821, in the city of Washington, DC, and named after the first president of the United States, George Washington (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1732–1799\u003c/span\u003e). The university has a long history of supporting research in physics and other technical fields."},{"id":"165136","word":"germane:","def":"closely or significantly related; pertinent."},{"id":"234331","word":"Glendale, California:","def":"a city in Los Angeles County, southwestern California. Glendale is a residential suburb of Los Angeles."},{"id":"151008","word":"glider:","def":"a motorless aircraft that is supported in flight by air currents. Gliders are mainly used for sports and recreational purposes."},{"id":"254741","word":"global village:","def":"the world, especially considered as the home of all nations and peoples living interdependently."},{"id":"244750","word":"Godfrey, Arthur:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1903–1983\u003c/span\u003e) an American radio and television broadcaster and entertainer."},{"id":"257388","word":"good as gold:","def":"particularly good or competent, likened to gold, a substance considered to have a superior quality."},{"id":"19202","word":"graced:","def":"provided with something pleasing, beautiful or the like."},{"id":"254754","word":"gradient:","def":"done by means of a gradual approach; taking something step by step, level by level, each step or level being, of itself, easily \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eattainable—so\u003c/span\u003e that finally, complicated and difficult activities or states can be achieved with relative ease. The term \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003egradient\u003c/span\u003e also applies to each of the steps taken in such an approach."},{"id":"245566","word":"graft:","def":"join two things that are dissimilar to each other. Used figuratively."},{"id":"192168","word":"grammarian:","def":"a person who studies and writes about grammar. Traditionally, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003egrammar\u003c/span\u003e has been regarded as the system of rules by which words are formed and put together to make sentences."},{"id":"261992","word":"graphic:","def":"including a number of vivid descriptive details, especially unpleasant ones."},{"id":"245784","word":"grass-roots:","def":"of, pertaining to or involving the common people in a community who join together and donate their time and support to forward a particular cause."},{"id":"262031","word":"Great Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok, The:","def":"a 1938 movie serial about the famous lawman of the Old West and his attempts to keep the peace in the frontier. Wild Bill Hickok (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1837–1876\u003c/span\u003e) was an American frontier army scout, sheriff and gambler whose reputation made him a legend even during his own lifetime."},{"id":"251653","word":"Greenville, Alabama:","def":"a city in the southern part of Alabama, a state in the southeastern United States."},{"id":"250692","word":"Guam:","def":"an island in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a territory of the United States and site of US air and naval bases."},{"id":"251792","word":"Guinness Book of Records:","def":"a collection of world records (referred to as \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eGuinness World Records\u003c/span\u003e), both of human achievements as well as of the natural world, which is published as an annual reference book."},{"id":"245492","word":"Haidas:","def":"a Native North American people living along the coast of British Columbia in Canada, the adjoining Alaskan coast and the islands lying off these areas."},{"id":"244615","word":"Hammett, Dashiell:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1894–1961\u003c/span\u003e) highly influential American author of detective novels. Drawing on his years of work as a private detective, Hammett began writing in the early 1920s. With his realistic writing style, he created enduringly popular characters and plots, with a number of his \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ebest-known\u003c/span\u003e works, such as \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThe Maltese Falcon\u003c/span\u003e (1930), later adapted for film."},{"id":"257181","word":"hat:","def":"slang for the title and work of a job or position; taken from the fact that in many professions, such as railroading, the type of hat worn is the badge of the job."},{"id":"103927","word":"haunts:","def":"places frequently visited."},{"id":"251662","word":"heavy industry:","def":"an industry that requires considerable space and heavy equipment to produce its products. Examples are the iron and steel industry and shipbuilding."},{"id":"245076","word":"hectographed:","def":"reproduced by means of a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ehectograph,\u003c/span\u003e a machine used in the 1940s to ’60s, prior to the invention of the modern photocopier, for making many copies of a page of writing or a drawing."},{"id":"256186","word":"Heinlein, Robert:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1907–1988\u003c/span\u003e) American author considered one of the most important writers of science fiction. Emerging during science fiction’s Golden Age (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1939–1949\u003c/span\u003e), Heinlein went on to write many novels, including the classic \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eStranger in a Strange Land \u003c/span\u003e(1961). He won four Hugo Awards and was presented with the first Grand Master Nebula Award for lifetime achievement in science fiction."},{"id":"63922","word":"Helena:","def":"city and capital of Montana, a state in the northwestern United States bordering on Canada."},{"id":"261903","word":"helm:","def":"the wheel by which the ship is steered."},{"id":"254831","word":"helmsman:","def":"the person in charge of steering a ship. The helmsman is stationed at the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ehelm,\u003c/span\u003e the wheel by which the ship is steered."},{"id":"262015","word":"heralded:","def":"announced with enthusiasm."},{"id":"244737","word":"Herbert, Frank:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1920–1986\u003c/span\u003e) acclaimed American science fiction author. While beginning his writing career in the 1950s, he is best known for his bestselling novel \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDune\u003c/span\u003e (1965) and subsequent books in the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDune Chronicles, \u003c/span\u003ea series that sparked a major motion picture and television series. Herbert also served as a judge in the Writers of the Future Contest."},{"id":"244745","word":"Herman, Woody:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1913–1987\u003c/span\u003e) American jazz saxophonist, clarinetist and bandleader who for more than fifty years led one of the most consistently popular big bands in jazz."},{"id":"262115","word":"Hermitage House Publishing:","def":"a publishing firm in New York City, New York, founded in 1947 by editor and publisher Arthur Ceppos (1910–1997). In May 1950, Hermitage House was the first to publish \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"259358","word":"Hollywood Arts Council:","def":"an organization established to support and promote the arts in Hollywood, California, stemming from “the belief that the arts revitalize people as well as communities.”"},{"id":"108119","word":"homestead:","def":"a dwelling with its land and adjoining buildings where a family makes its home."},{"id":"253156","word":"horticultural:","def":"of or having to do with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ehorticulture,\u003c/span\u003e the science and art of cultivating flowers, fruits, vegetables or ornamental plants."},{"id":"262096","word":"Hubbard Association of Scientologists:","def":"during the 1950s and 1960s, the organization that coordinated and provided guidance to all Scientology organizations over the world, served as the central point of dissemination and was the general membership group of the Church."},{"id":"262104","word":"Hubbard College:","def":"an administration and teaching organization established by L. Ron Hubbard in Wichita, Kansas, in 1951 to advance Dianetics."},{"id":"259315","word":"Hubbard College (of Administration):","def":"any of the institutions of higher learning that provide training in L. Ron Hubbard’s administrative methods."},{"id":"45473","word":"Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation:","def":"the first organization of Dianetics, formed in 1950 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to further Dianetics research and, mainly, to offer training."},{"id":"251641","word":"hue, other:","def":"another type, kind, form, aspect or the like."},{"id":"250245","word":"Hugo:","def":"an award for science fiction writing (Hugo Award), initiated in 1953 by the World Science Fiction Society. It is named for influential science fiction editor, writer and inventor Hugo Gernsback (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1884–1967\u003c/span\u003e), who is credited with starting modern science fiction by founding the first magazine dedicated to this literary field, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eAmazing Stories,\u003c/span\u003e in 1926."},{"id":"162922","word":"hydrogen bomb:","def":"an explosive weapon more powerful than an atomic bomb, that derives its energy from the fusion (combining) of hydrogen atoms."},{"id":"257207","word":"Hydrographic Office:","def":"a section of the Department of the Navy charged with making hydrographic surveys and publishing charts and other information for naval and commercial vessels, information key to national defense. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eHydrographic\u003c/span\u003e means of or relating to the scientific charting, description and analysis of the physical conditions, boundaries and flow of oceans, lakes, rivers, etc."},{"id":"261928","word":"hysteria, mass:","def":"a condition in which a large group of people exhibit the same state of extreme or exaggerated emotion, such as excitement, panic, agitation, anxiety."},{"id":"30899","word":"ideological:","def":"of or relating to \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eideology,\u003c/span\u003e a study of the nature and origin of ideas."},{"id":"101953","word":"imbue:","def":"fill with a feeling or quality."},{"id":"161187","word":"imparts:","def":"communicates the knowledge of; makes known or reveals."},{"id":"161189","word":"imperishable:","def":"that cannot disappear or be destroyed; enduring permanently."},{"id":"261898","word":"impetuously:","def":"on the spur of the moment; impulsively."},{"id":"160188","word":"impetus:","def":"driving force or motive; impulse."},{"id":"254751","word":"incisive(ly):","def":"remarkably clear and direct."},{"id":"30920","word":"incontrovertible:","def":"not open to question or dispute; undeniable."},{"id":"152102","word":"indelible:","def":"that cannot be eliminated, erased, etc.; permanent."},{"id":"216198","word":"indigenous:","def":"originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native."},{"id":"245077","word":"ineffable:","def":"incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible."},{"id":"14236","word":"inextricably:","def":"so closely linked to a person, place or thing that it cannot be considered separately."},{"id":"209531","word":"infrastructure:","def":"the substructure or underlying foundation needed for the operation of a society or organization. It includes the basic installations and facilities on which the continuance and growth of a community, state, etc., depend. The \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esocial infrastructure\u003c/span\u003e includes among others, the educational, healthcare and welfare systems. The \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eeconomic infrastructure\u003c/span\u003e includes the financial system, manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, etc."},{"id":"254736","word":"ingest:","def":"take something (such as food, a liquid or a gas) into the body by swallowing, inhaling or absorbing it."},{"id":"250803","word":"Inside Passage:","def":"a natural protected waterway in northwestern North America, 950 miles (1,500 kilometers) long. It extends along the coast from Seattle, Washington, USA, past British Columbia, Canada, to the southern area of Alaska. The passage is made up of a series of channels running between the mainland and a string of islands on the west that protect the passage from Pacific Ocean storms."},{"id":"160215","word":"insidious:","def":"operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect."},{"id":"177581","word":"instilled:","def":"having an idea or attitude gradually but firmly established in one’s mind."},{"id":"68948","word":"intergalactic:","def":"of, existing or moving between \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003egalaxies,\u003c/span\u003e any of the numerous large groups of stars and other matter that exist in space as independent systems."},{"id":"245866","word":"International Photography Exhibition in Nantes:","def":"an international photography exhibit, Salon International de Photographie, held in Nantes, a city in western France. The city is home to one of France’s premier museums of fine arts, the Musée des \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eBeaux-Arts\u003c/span\u003e, which has one of the most important and varied collections of paintings in the country."},{"id":"261869","word":"internment camps:","def":"prison camps for the confinement of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eprisoners of war,\u003c/span\u003e members of the armed forces who are captured and held by an enemy during war."},{"id":"40246","word":"irresolution:","def":"an undecided opinion, uncertainty, doubt."},{"id":"258762","word":"Jaipur, Maharajah of:","def":"Sawai Man Singh II (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1912–1970\u003c/span\u003e), the last ruler of Jaipur in India, before India became a republic in 1950, and owner of Saint Hill Manor during the 1950s. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emaharajah\u003c/span\u003e is a former title used in India for a king or prince, especially the ruler of one of the larger regions. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eJaipur\u003c/span\u003e is a former state in northwestern India, now part of the state of Rajasthan. It is also the name of the chief city of the region, now the capital of Rajasthan."},{"id":"254662","word":"Johannesburg:","def":"a city located in northeastern South Africa. It is the most important industrial and commercial city in the country."},{"id":"254547","word":"juvenile hall:","def":"a holding center for juvenile delinquents (persons usually under eighteen years who habitually break the law). It is a secure facility for those who are awaiting court hearings or placement in \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003elong-term\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003edisciplinary-care\u003c/span\u003e programs for committing crimes such as drug possession or robbery."},{"id":"261890","word":"Kalispell:","def":"a city in northwestern Montana, a state in the northwestern United States bordering on Canada."},{"id":"167384","word":"kernel:","def":"the central, most important part of something; core; essence."},{"id":"261910","word":"Ketchikan, Alaska:","def":"a seaport in southeastern Alaska, a transportation and communications center and one of the chief ports on Alaska’s Pacific coast."},{"id":"256189","word":"King, Stephen:","def":"(1947– ) \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eaward-winning\u003c/span\u003e American novelist and \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eshort-story\u003c/span\u003e writer and one of the world’s bestselling authors. Renowned for his tales of horror, fantasy and the supernatural, King has produced many stories and books that have been made into films."},{"id":"250248","word":"Kodak Brownie:","def":"a simple, portable, boxlike camera produced in the early 1900s, one of the first to carry roll film (as opposed to the slower single film sheets of earlier cameras)."},{"id":"166287","word":"Kublai Khan:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1216–1294\u003c/span\u003e) military leader of the Mongols, a people living to the north of China. He conquered China, becoming the first non-Chinese person to rule as emperor of China \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e(1279–1294\u003c/span\u003e). Kublai Khan encouraged the advancement of literature, the arts and science and his court attracted people from countries all over the world."},{"id":"262114","word":"Lake Eufaula:","def":"a lake in the eastern part of Oklahoma, a state in the south central part of the United States."},{"id":"257268","def":"monasteries of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003elamas,\u003c/span\u003e priests or monks in \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eLamaism,\u003c/span\u003e a branch of Buddhism that seeks to find release from the suffering of life and attain a state of complete happiness and peace. Lamaism originated in Tibet."},{"id":"250369","word":"La Quinta:","def":"a desert community located in Southern California."},{"id":"204991","word":"larceny:","def":"the unlawful taking and removing of another’s personal property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner; theft."},{"id":"262007","word":"Leeuwkop:","def":"a prison located north of Johannesburg, a city in the northeastern part of South Africa."},{"id":"261758","word":"Lesser Antilles:","def":"islands of the West Indies that extend in an arc from Puerto Rico to the northeastern coast of South America."},{"id":"40633","word":"lieutenant (jg):","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003elieutenant junior grade,\u003c/span\u003e a commissioned officer in the US Navy who is directly above an ensign, the lowest commissioned officer, and directly below a lieutenant. (A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecommission\u003c/span\u003e is a document conferring authority to officers in the army, navy and other military services, issued by the president of the United States.)"},{"id":"66687","word":"lodge:","def":"become fixed, implanted or caught in a place or position; come to rest; stick."},{"id":"244530","word":"LORAN:","def":"abbreviation for LOng RAnge Navigation, a radio navigation system where the position of a ship or aircraft can be established based on the amount of time it takes radio signals to reach the ship from two or more known locations."},{"id":"216210","word":"lore:","def":"acquired knowledge or wisdom on a particular subject, for example, local traditions, handed down by word of mouth and usually in the form of stories or historical anecdotes."},{"id":"262112","word":"Los Angeles earthquake:","def":"a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred approximately 20 miles (31 kilometers) from downtown Los Angeles, California, in 1994. It resulted in more than fifty deaths and many billions in property damage. Damage occurred up to 85 miles (125 kilometers) from the center of the earthquake."},{"id":"262113","word":"Los Angeles riots:","def":"civil violence in Los Angeles, California, in 1992, that resulted in more than fifty deaths and many millions in property damage. The riots occurred following a court decision that released four white police officers accused of beating a black motorist in 1991."},{"id":"250235","def":"Howard Phillips Lovecraft (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1890–1937\u003c/span\u003e), American author of fantasy and horror stories. With fiction first published in the early 1920s, Lovecraft became known for his fascination with dark forces in settings that sometimes seem realistic and other times seem dreamlike."},{"id":"217542","word":"LSD:","def":"a drug that causes a person to have changes of thought processes, mood and perceptions. In addition to causing frightening experiences, LSD also causes \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eflashbacks,\u003c/span\u003e visual disturbances that occur long after one has taken the drug. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eLSD\u003c/span\u003e is an abbreviation for the chemical compound \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003elysergic acid diethylamide\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"40832","word":"lucid(ly):","def":"clear and easily understood."},{"id":"261914","word":"MacArthur, General Douglas:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1880–1964\u003c/span\u003e) United States military commander, supreme commander of the armed forces in the Southwest Pacific during World War II (1939–1945)."},{"id":"245315","word":"magnate:","def":"literally, a person having wealth and influence; also, a business, enterprise or the like having influence or distinction."},{"id":"244730","word":"magnum opus:","def":"a large or important literary work. A Latin expression, the term literally means great work."},{"id":"256806","word":"Maharajah of Jaipur:","def":"Sawai Man Singh II (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1912–1970\u003c/span\u003e), the last ruler of Jaipur in India, before India became a republic in 1950, and owner of Saint Hill Manor during the 1950s. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emaharajah\u003c/span\u003e is a former title used in India for a king or prince, especially the ruler of one of the larger regions. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eJaipur\u003c/span\u003e is a former state in northwestern India, now part of the state of Rajasthan. It is also the name of the chief city of the region, now the capital of Rajasthan."},{"id":"154031","word":"main, in the:","def":"for the most part; mainly."},{"id":"173850","word":"mainstay:","def":"a thing that acts as a chief support or part."},{"id":"156269","word":"Malaysia:","def":"a country in Southeast Asia. It consists of two geographical regions divided by the South China Sea."},{"id":"261938","word":"Management Series, The:","def":"a series of writings by L. Ron Hubbard that lay out his discoveries in the field of organization."},{"id":"257412","word":"Mandarin:","def":"the standard literary and official form of the Chinese language."},{"id":"223500","word":"manuscript:","def":"an author’s work as written or typed, not a printed book."},{"id":"254731","word":"maritime:","def":"of or relating to sea navigation."},{"id":"254768","word":"marketplace, closed:","def":"a world or sphere of a particular business, trade or profession in which the persons involved are not willing to let newcomers have a role."},{"id":"261409","word":"master mariner:","def":"also \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emaster\u003c/span\u003e or \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecaptain,\u003c/span\u003e a person licensed to command a nonnaval ship. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMaster mariners\u003c/span\u003e are those individuals with demonstrated competence in such skills as emergency and safety operation, navigation, meteorology (the science of the atmosphere, weather and weather forecasting), radar, radio communication, ship handling, cargo operations and equipment, and maritime law."},{"id":"254801","word":"Master of Sail Vessels license:","def":"a certificate of competency to take charge or command of a nonnaval sail ship. In order to obtain such a certificate, competence is required in such skills as emergency and safety operation, navigation, ship handling and the laws of the sea."},{"id":"261913","word":"Master of Steam and Motor Vessels license:","def":"a certificate of competency to take charge or command of a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emotor vessel,\u003c/span\u003e one operated by engines, as opposed to one operated by sails. In order to obtain such a certificate, competence is required in such skills as emergency and safety operation, navigation, ship handling and the laws of the sea."},{"id":"261900","word":"matriculates:","def":"enrolls in a college or university after having met entrance requirements, such as passing an entrance examination."},{"id":"154038","word":"maxim:","def":"a statement of a general rule or truth."},{"id":"244742","word":"McCaffrey, Anne:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1926–2011\u003c/span\u003e) one of the most successful and popular science fiction and fantasy authors in the latter half of the twentieth century. Best known for her \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDragonriders of Pern\u003c/span\u003e series, she became the first woman to win the Hugo and Nebula Awards. McCaffrey served as a judge of the Writers of the Future Contest beginning in 1985."},{"id":"261980","word":"M.D.:","def":"abbreviation of Latin \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMedicinae Doctor,\u003c/span\u003e Doctor of Medicine; a physician."},{"id":"166336","word":"mechanistic:","def":"explaining human behavior or other natural processes only in terms of physical causes or operating on such a principle without reference to spiritual aspects of existence."},{"id":"99341","word":"medium:","def":"a method that an artist uses or a category, such as film, in which an artist works."},{"id":"71544","word":"Melbourne:","def":"a city on the southern coast of Australia and the location of a Church of Scientology organization."},{"id":"254827","word":"merit badges:","def":"insignia granted by the Boy Scouts, worn especially on a uniform to indicate special achievement."},{"id":"254832","word":"message:","def":"the meaning, lesson or important idea that somebody wants to \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ecommunicate—for\u003c/span\u003e example, in a work of art."},{"id":"197300","word":"metabolite(s):","def":"an altered form of a drug after it has been ingested and has undergone various chemical changes in the body. It is a waste product that is usually more or less toxic to the body."},{"id":"238242","word":"metaphorically:","def":"using a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance."},{"id":"229703","word":"meteoric:","def":"developing very fast and attracting a lot of attention."},{"id":"254733","word":"methadone:","def":"a powerful synthetic drug developed in the 1940s. Methadone has been used as a substitute drug in the “treatment” of addiction to heroin, but persons using it end up addicted to it. The drug also causes other side effects, for example, affecting breathing and digestion."},{"id":"152854","word":"methodology:","def":"the methods or organizing principles underlying a particular art, science or other area of study."},{"id":"246334","word":"µg/ml:","def":"symbols meaning \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicrogram per milliliter\u003c/span\u003e. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicrogram\u003c/span\u003e is a unit of mass or weight equal to one millionth (\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicro\u003c/span\u003e = millionth, symbol \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eµ\u003c/span\u003e) of a gram. (A gram weighs approximately .035 ounce.) A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emilliliter\u003c/span\u003e is a unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter. (A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eliter\u003c/span\u003e is equal to 34 ounces.)"},{"id":"34568","word":"Michigan:","def":"a state in the north central United States."},{"id":"98400","word":"Midwest:","def":"the northern region of the central United States."},{"id":"261940","word":"Mikvé Israel–Emanuel Synagogue:","def":"the house of worship (synagogue) built in 1732 in Curaçao for the Mikvé Israel (Hope of Israel) congregation. This congregation, founded in 1651 by settlers from Amsterdam, Holland, is the oldest active Jewish congregation in the Americas."},{"id":"190197","word":"milestone:","def":"a significant or important event or stage in the life, progress, development or the like of a person, subject, Mankind, etc. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emilestone\u003c/span\u003e is a stone or pillar set up to show the distance in miles to or from a specific place."},{"id":"254564","word":"mixing:","def":"electronically combining or blending various recorded or live instruments, voices and/or sounds to form a complete performance as one would hear in a concert or an album."},{"id":"257595","word":"ml, µg/:","def":"symbols meaning \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicrogram per milliliter\u003c/span\u003e. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicrogram\u003c/span\u003e is a unit of mass or weight equal to one millionth (\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emicro\u003c/span\u003e = millionth, symbol \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eµ\u003c/span\u003e) of a gram. (A gram weighs approximately .035 ounce.) A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emilliliter\u003c/span\u003e is a unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter. (A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eliter\u003c/span\u003e is equal to 34 ounces.)"},{"id":"254834","word":"molecular physics:","def":"the branch of physics (science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy) that is involved with the study of atoms and molecules, their structure and energy and the relationships between them. An \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eatom\u003c/span\u003e is a very small particle that is considered the building block of physical matter. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMolecules\u003c/span\u003e are more complex structures formed by combinations of atoms."},{"id":"261961","word":"monosyllabic:","def":"composed primarily of short, simple words or of words that have only one syllable."},{"id":"217090","word":"moral code:","def":"an \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eagreed-upon\u003c/span\u003e code of right and wrong conduct."},{"id":"257434","word":"mother lode:","def":"a plentiful supply of something having great value, from the literal idea of a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003emother lode,\u003c/span\u003e the main deposit of gold in a particular region or district."},{"id":"262098","word":"multiple exposure:","def":"a photograph made by the repeated exposure of the same frame of a film so as to produce superimposed images."},{"id":"103268","word":"mushroomed:","def":"sprang up suddenly or increased rapidly in numbers."},{"id":"222441","word":"muster:","def":"call up something; summon up something, such as strength or courage, that will help in doing something."},{"id":"261118","word":"myriad:","def":"a great number of things."},{"id":"262032","word":"Mysterious Pilot, The:","def":"a 1937 movie serial, noted for its flying scenes, including plane crashes. The part of the hero was played by aviation pioneer Frank Hawks (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1897–1938\u003c/span\u003e), holder of an early record for fastest flying time across the United States."},{"id":"182057","word":"namesake:","def":"person having the same name as another."},{"id":"236105","word":"Nantes:","def":"a city in western France, important as a shipping and commercial center since ancient times. The city is also home to one of France’s premier museums of fine art, the Musée des \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eBeaux-Arts\u003c/span\u003e, which has one of the most important and varied collections of paintings in the country."},{"id":"251651","word":"narcopolitical:","def":"relating to or involving the combination or interaction of \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003enarcotics-related\u003c/span\u003e and political factors."},{"id":"262029","word":"National Book Award:","def":"any of the literary awards presented annually to authors in the United States in such areas as poetry, fiction and nonfiction. The National Book Awards are designed to advance the field of literature and enhance the cultural value of good writing in America."},{"id":"261912","word":"National Boys’ Week:","def":"an event started in New York City in 1920 to help youth in the areas of education, citizenship, health and work."},{"id":"262028","word":"National Endowment for the Arts:","def":"an agency of the United States Government established in 1965 to award grants in support of artistic and innovative works that benefit individuals and communities."},{"id":"208626","word":"National Geographic:","def":"an illustrated US magazine of geography, travel, science and exploration, published since 1888. Known internationally, it has one of the largest annual magazine circulations in the world. Along with colorful articles and exceptional photographs on people, places, animals, plants and natural wonders, the magazine also reports on significant explorations sponsored by its publisher, the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eNational Geographic Society,\u003c/span\u003e a \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eworld-renowned\u003c/span\u003e organization founded in 1888 by a number of famous explorers and scientists for the increase and spreading of geographic knowledge."},{"id":"215027","word":"National Guard:","def":"in the United States, the military forces of the individual states, which can be called into active service for emergencies, for national defense, as a police force or the like."},{"id":"251648","word":"national proliferation:","def":"the rapid spread or increase of something throughout an entire country."},{"id":"256546","word":"Naval School of Military Government:","def":"a school of military government established at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, in October 1944. The purpose was to train navy officers so as to provide needed personnel for projected military government activities as well as for specialized civilian duties."},{"id":"257025","word":"naval yard:","def":"also \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003enavy yard,\u003c/span\u003e a \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003enavy-owned\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eshipyard,\u003c/span\u003e a place where warships are built and repaired."},{"id":"254938","word":"navigation(al):","def":"the science of locating the position of ships or aircraft and plotting and directing their course (the route along which a vessel or aircraft proceeds); directing a ship by determining its position, course and distance traveled. Navigation is concerned with finding the way, avoiding collision, meeting schedules, etc. Navigation uses various tools (such as charts; observation of the Sun, Moon and stars; and various electronic and mechanical instruments) and methods to determine a ship’s direction and verify its position. Derived from the Latin \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003enavis,\u003c/span\u003e ship, and \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eagere,\u003c/span\u003e to drive (literally, ship driving)."},{"id":"250246","word":"Nebula:","def":"one of the major prizes for science fiction literature (Nebula Award) initiated in 1965. The Nebula is given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for the best writing in the fields of science fiction and fantasy published in the United States during the previous year."},{"id":"261862","word":"nee:","def":"a French term meaning born as, used to introduce a married woman’s maiden name."},{"id":"251683","word":"Netherlands Antilles:","def":"islands in the Caribbean that are a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, having formerly been colonies."},{"id":"262105","word":"newsreel:","def":"September 11 (9/11), 2001, the date that the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eWorld Trade Center,\u003c/span\u003e a complex in New York City that included twin skyscrapers (the tallest in the US at 110 stories), was destroyed when two jetliners, hijacked by terrorists, were flown into the towers, causing the worst building disaster in recorded history and the deaths of some 2,800 people."},{"id":"251210","word":"Niven, Larry:","def":"Laurence van Cott Niven (1938– ), American science fiction author who began his professional speculative fiction writing career in 1964. He has authored and coauthored dozens of novels, including the Hugo and Nebula \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eAward-winning\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eRingworld\u003c/span\u003e and (with Jerry Pournelle) the national bestsellers \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThe Mote in God’s Eye, Lucifer’s Hammer \u003c/span\u003eand \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eFootfall\u003c/span\u003e. Niven has been a Writers of the Future Contest judge since 1985."},{"id":"200658","word":"novelette(s):","def":"a brief novel. A \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003enovel \u003c/span\u003eis a work of fiction usually divided into chapters, often with a complex plot, in which the story develops through the action, speech and thoughts of its characters."},{"id":"14882","word":"nuclear physics:","def":"that branch of physics that deals with the behavior, structure and component parts of the center of an atom (called a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003enucleus\u003c/span\u003e)."},{"id":"223896","word":"Oak Knoll Naval Hospital:","def":"a naval hospital located in Oakland, California, where LRH spent time recovering from injuries sustained during World War II (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1939–1945\u003c/span\u003e) and researching the effect of the mind on the physical recovery of patients."},{"id":"185833","word":"Oakland:","def":"a seaport in western California, on San Francisco Bay, opposite the city of San Francisco."},{"id":"256616","word":"occupational forces:","def":"the troops assigned to maintain control of a newly conquered region until the conclusion of hostilities or establishment of a settled government."},{"id":"22054","word":"offing, in the:","def":"expected or likely in the future."},{"id":"262020","word":"oft:","def":"an older word meaning often."},{"id":"65343","word":"Ohio:","def":"a state in the north central United States."},{"id":"35724","word":"Oklahoma:","def":"a state in the south central part of the United States."},{"id":"31644","word":"omnipresent:","def":"present in all places at the same time."},{"id":"15387","word":"onerous:","def":"burdensome, oppressive or troublesome; causing hardship."},{"id":"261981","word":"opiates:","def":"any drug made from or containing opium. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eOpium\u003c/span\u003e is an addictive drug prepared from the juice of a poppy. Some opiates are illegal and affect mood and behavior; others are used in medicine for relieving severe pain."},{"id":"178562","word":"optic nerve(s):","def":"the nerve that carries signals from the eye to the brain. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eOptic\u003c/span\u003e means of or relating to the eye or vision."},{"id":"254770","word":"orchestrated:","def":"worked out the parts of a piece of music to be performed by each instrument, as in a band or other performing group, done to prepare the music for an audience."},{"id":"261932","word":"Organizing Board, Seven Division Scientology:","def":"the chart, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, showing the pattern of organization and every function relative to successful group activity. The Organizing Board contains seven divisions, each with specific duties and functions."},{"id":"254772","word":"Oriental:","def":"in reference to styles of music found in the countries of the East, usually characterized by the sounds of particular instruments and drums, which sometimes give a quiet or sad tone, by a quality of sliding from one note to the next, as opposed to hitting each note directly and by little use of harmony in musical pieces."},{"id":"41598","word":"outstrip:","def":"exceed, surpass or be greater than."},{"id":"259419","word":"Pacific Northwest:","def":"an area of the United States that includes the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana."},{"id":"260865","word":"pantheon:","def":"a group of people who are the most famous or respected in a particular field."},{"id":"254847","word":"parameter:","def":"a fact or circumstance that explains how something is done or what can be done."},{"id":"159217","word":"Peking:","def":"former name of Beijing, the capital of China."},{"id":"257408","word":"Pentecostal Church:","def":"a Christian church whose members strictly follow the Bible. Their beliefs and practices started from a religious revival in the United States in the early 1900s."},{"id":"20173","word":"per se:","def":"by or in itself, essentially; without reference to anything else."},{"id":"261978","word":"P.H., Dr.:","def":"an abbreviation for \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDoctor of Public Health\u003c/span\u003e. The field of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epublic health\u003c/span\u003e includes areas such as health education, the prevention and control of diseases, environmental safety and pollution control."},{"id":"223880","word":"Philippine:","def":"of the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ePhilippines,\u003c/span\u003e a country occupying a group of approximately 7,100 islands (Philippine Islands) in the southwestern Pacific Ocean off the southeast coast of Asia."},{"id":"261964","word":"Philosophy of Language:","def":"the branch of philosophy that analyzes basic concepts in language, such as meaning, communication and truth, and the connection between mind, language and the world."},{"id":"245859","word":"phonetic:","def":"having to do with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ephonetics,\u003c/span\u003e the study of speech sounds, their production and combination, and their representation by written symbols."},{"id":"254780","word":"photojournalist:","def":"a person involved in \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ephotojournalism,\u003c/span\u003e the communicating of news by photographs."},{"id":"261878","word":"physical science:","def":"any of the sciences, such as physics and chemistry, that study and analyze the nature and properties of energy and nonliving matter."},{"id":"261888","word":"physiological(ly):","def":"relating to the way living bodies function."},{"id":"254392","word":"physiological response:","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ephysiological\u003c/span\u003e means relating to the way living bodies function. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eResponse\u003c/span\u003e means something done as a reaction to some influence, event, etc. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ePhysiological response\u003c/span\u003e means outward physical signs or indications as a reaction (to something)."},{"id":"251646","word":"Pietermaritzburg:","def":"a city in eastern South Africa."},{"id":"261950","word":"pirated:","def":"used or reproduced (another’s work) for profit without permission."},{"id":"245870","word":"pivotal:","def":"of vital or critical importance."},{"id":"251655","word":"plunked down:","def":"set down abruptly."},{"id":"244634","word":"Pohl, Frederik:","def":"(1919–2013) American science fiction writer and editor whose \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003edecades-long\u003c/span\u003e career has resulted in many achievements in the science fiction field. Not only has his editorship of science fiction magazines been recognized with several Hugo Awards, but his writings also have won both Hugo and Nebula Awards."},{"id":"251637","word":"pollutants, airborne:","def":"chemicals or waste products that contaminate the environment and that are \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eairborne,\u003c/span\u003e carried along by movements of air."},{"id":"250241","word":"Port Orchard:","def":"a resort and fishing community located in western Washington State on \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ePuget Sound,\u003c/span\u003e a long, narrow bay of the Pacific Ocean on the northwestern coast of the United States."},{"id":"250114","word":"port(s) of call:","def":"a harbor town or city where ships can visit during the course of a voyage."},{"id":"178623","word":"postulated:","def":"assumed to be true, real or necessary, especially as a basis for reasoning."},{"id":"262011","word":"postulating:","def":"considering or saying a thing and having it be true."},{"id":"250352","word":"Pournelle, Jerry:","def":"(1933– ) American author, essayist and journalist. He has written numerous science fiction novels, including the national bestselling \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThe Mote in God’s Eye, Lucifer’s Hammer \u003c/span\u003eand \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eFootfall\u003c/span\u003e. Pournelle has edited many anthologies and written a range of nonfiction pieces for the speculative fiction media. A past president of the Science Fiction Writers of America, he has been a Writers of the Future judge since 1986."},{"id":"213369","word":"pragmatic:","def":"concerned with actual practice, not with theory or speculation; practical."},{"id":"189096","word":"precedence:","def":"the condition of having greater importance than something else; priority in importance, order or rank."},{"id":"160478","word":"precepts:","def":"rules, instructions or principles that guide somebody’s actions, especially ones that guide moral behavior."},{"id":"224017","word":"precipitating:","def":"bringing about the occurrence of something, especially suddenly or rapidly."},{"id":"261945","word":"precipitously:","def":"falling with extreme rapidity."},{"id":"215235","word":"preclear:","def":"from \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epre-Clear,\u003c/span\u003e a person not yet Clear; generally a person being audited, who is thus on the road to \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eClear,\u003c/span\u003e the name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state. The Clear is an unaberrated person who has cleared the destructive impulses of the reactive mind."},{"id":"254783","word":"preconceiving:","def":"imagining beforehand; anticipating in thought."},{"id":"261999","word":"prefaced:","def":"included an introductory statement in a book, such as one that lays out the purpose or scope of the book."},{"id":"262097","word":"prescribing:","def":"laying down as a course of action to be followed."},{"id":"257389","word":"Princeton University:","def":"a leading United States university, located in Princeton, New Jersey. In the 1940s, it housed a Naval School of  Military Government to train navy officers and provide needed personnel for projected military government activities."},{"id":"261916","word":"probation department:","def":"a section of a criminal justice system that deals with the supervision of criminal offenders after their release from prison or as an alternative to prison. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eProbation\u003c/span\u003e means the supervision of the behavior of a young or \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003efirst-time\u003c/span\u003e criminal offender by an authorized person (probation officer). During the period of supervision, the offender must regularly report to the probation officer and must not commit any further offenses."},{"id":"257227","word":"processing:","def":"the application of Dianetics or Scientology techniques (called \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eprocesses\u003c/span\u003e).\u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"246190","def":"something that is announced or declared; a public, official announcement."},{"id":"191223","word":"prodigious:","def":"extraordinary in size, amount, extent or degree."},{"id":"259318","word":"profound(ly):","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003edeep-reaching\u003c/span\u003e or very great."},{"id":"251649","word":"proliferation, national:","def":"the rapid spread or increase of something throughout an entire country."},{"id":"245491","word":"prolific:","def":"producing large quantities of something or with great frequency."},{"id":"245327","word":"protectorship:","def":"used with reference to the status of Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean under the protection of the United States but having independence and self-government in local matters and only partial control over foreign affairs."},{"id":"245741","word":"prototypic:","def":"of or being a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eprototype,\u003c/span\u003e the original or model on which other things are based or formed."},{"id":"253838","word":"pseudonym(s):","def":"a fictitious name assumed by an author; pen name."},{"id":"245089","word":"psychedelic:","def":"of or relating to the time period or culture associated with \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epsychedelic drugs,\u003c/span\u003e those drugs (such as LSD) capable of producing hallucinations and other abnormal psychic effects resembling mental illness."},{"id":"181487","word":"psychic:","def":"having to do with the psyche. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ePsyche\u003c/span\u003e is the Greek word meaning breath of life, mind or soul."},{"id":"167665","word":"psychosomatic:","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epsycho\u003c/span\u003e refers to mind and \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esomatic\u003c/span\u003e refers to body; the term \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003epsychosomatic\u003c/span\u003e means the mind making the body ill or illnesses which have been created physically within the body by the mind. A description of the cause and source of psychosomatic ills is contained in \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eDianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"262016","word":"public domain:","def":"the condition of being openly known or publicized."},{"id":"255037","word":"Publishers Weekly:","def":"an international newsmagazine for the book publishing and bookselling industry. It provides news on the publishing industry, with data on bestsellers, statistics and annual reviews of several thousand books. It is subscribed to by bookstores, libraries, media and publishers."},{"id":"251627","word":"Puerto Rican mineralogical survey:","def":"also known as the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eWest Indies Mineralogical Expedition\u003c/span\u003e, an expedition organized and conducted by L. Ron Hubbard during the early 1930s. The expedition also toured other Caribbean islands while conducting its primary mission, the first complete mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico under United States protectorship."},{"id":"27586","word":"Puget Sound:","def":"a long, narrow bay of the Pacific Ocean on the coast of Washington, a state in the northwestern United States."},{"id":"245824","word":"pulmonary:","def":"of or pertaining to the lungs."},{"id":"261904","word":"pulp fiction:","def":"the adventure, science fiction, cowboy stories and the like published during the early 1900s. Produced in magazines printed on inexpensive, \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003erough-surfaced\u003c/span\u003e paper, pulp fiction had a wide audience."},{"id":"251569","word":"pulpwood stock:","def":"the rough type of paper (stock) used for printing inexpensive magazines, etc. The \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003elow-cost\u003c/span\u003e pulp used in its manufacture is made from wood fibers, which give a rough texture."},{"id":"253165","word":"Purification Program:","def":"a program to purify and clean out of one’s system the restimulative drug or chemical residues that could act to prevent gains from Dianetics and Scientology processing. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eSee also\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003eprocessing.\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"245078","word":"putrefaction:","def":"the state of having deteriorated or decayed."},{"id":"226192","word":"quarter:","def":"a particular but unspecified person, group, area or place."},{"id":"254744","word":"quelling:","def":"suppressing; putting an end to."},{"id":"261926","word":"radioactive fallout:","def":"airborne radioactive dust and material shot into the atmosphere by a nuclear explosion which then settles to the ground. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eRadioactive\u003c/span\u003e describes a substance that sends out harmful energy in the form of streams of very small particles due to the decay (breaking down) of atoms within the substance."},{"id":"257390","word":"radio directional finding:","def":"the act or practice of determining the direction from which radio waves or signals are coming, often using a device such as an antenna that can be rotated freely on a vertical axis. Radio directional finding is usually used to assist in determining a ship’s position."},{"id":"261911","word":"radio navigation system:","def":"a reference to \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eradio directional finding.\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eSee also\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Bold\"\u003eradio directional finding.\u003c/span\u003e"},{"id":"17537","word":"ramifications:","def":"effects, consequences or results that follow an action or decision."},{"id":"224483","word":"reactive mind:","def":"that portion of a person’s mind which is entirely \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003estimulus-response\u003c/span\u003e, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions."},{"id":"160531","word":"realized:","def":"presented or brought before the mind with vividness and clarity."},{"id":"17541","word":"recalcitrant:","def":"resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant."},{"id":"245287","word":"recidivism:","def":"repeated or habitual relapse into criminal habits."},{"id":"209471","word":"referendum:","def":"the submission of a law, proposed or already in effect, to a direct vote of the people."},{"id":"244782","word":"reggae:","def":"a style of rhythmic Jamaican popular music blending blues, calypso and \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003erock-and-roll\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"13506","word":"regimen:","def":"a prescribed or regulated program."},{"id":"69341","word":"reigned:","def":"had widespread influence and impact."},{"id":"97279","word":"renaissance:","def":"any revival or period of marked improvement and new life, in philosophy, art, literature, etc."},{"id":"101081","word":"replete:","def":"abundantly supplied or provided; filled."},{"id":"260629","word":"replicate:","def":"do (something) again or copy (something); reproduce."},{"id":"261993","word":"resonance:","def":"an intensified effect, such as of an event or work of art, beyond what is immediately apparent; underlying significance."},{"id":"170884","word":"restive:","def":"uneasy, resisting or difficult to control."},{"id":"205484","word":"retrospective:","def":"marked by a looking back over past situations, events, etc."},{"id":"208286","word":"Rhodesia:","def":"a country in Africa, now called Zimbabwe."},{"id":"244743","word":"Rich, Buddy:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1917–1987\u003c/span\u003e) American jazz drummer and bandleader billed as “the world’s greatest drummer.” Known for his brilliant technique, power and speed, he played with several big bands, started several \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eshort-lived\u003c/span\u003e bands of his own and often performed solo."},{"id":"22570","word":"rife with:","def":"full of or severely affected by something undesirable."},{"id":"261997","word":"riots, Los Angeles:","def":"civil violence in Los Angeles, California, in 1992, that resulted in more than fifty deaths and many millions in property damage. The riots occurred following a court decision that released four white police officers accused of beating a black motorist in 1991."},{"id":"254766","word":"rollicking:","def":"exuberantly lively and amusing."},{"id":"261906","word":"romance:","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-SemiBold\"\u003e2. \u003c/span\u003ethe type of stories that describe exciting and heroic deeds and adventures, usually in a historical or imaginary setting."},{"id":"262006","word":"Rwanda:","def":"a small country in east central Africa, just south of the equator."},{"id":"40672","word":"saga:","def":"a long story or series of incidents, often one of adventures, heroic events or the like."},{"id":"250331","word":"Saint Hill Manor:","def":"a manor (a large house and its land) located in East Grinstead, Sussex, in southern England. Saint Hill Manor was the residence of L. Ron Hubbard as well as the international communications and training center of Scientology from the late 1950s through the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003emid-1960s\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"256755","word":"Saint Hill Special Briefing Course:","def":"a course conducted by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill in England. From 1961 until 1966, he regularly lectured to the students on this course and personally oversaw their training. All of Mr. Hubbard’s lectures were recorded and today the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course is delivered by a number of Scientology organizations around the world with students studying the same writings and lectures provided by Mr. Hubbard originally."},{"id":"254781","word":"Salon International d’Art Photographique:","def":"an international photography exhibit held in Versailles, a city in northern France, about 12 miles (19 kilometers) southwest of Paris."},{"id":"218309","word":"sanctioned:","def":"authorized, approved or allowed."},{"id":"261968","word":"sans:","def":"a French word meaning without or lacking."},{"id":"259319","word":"satire:","def":"a literary work that uses humor and ridicule to expose stupidity, abuses, etc."},{"id":"17565","word":"Scholastic Aptitude Test:","def":"also known as the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eScholastic Assessment Tests,\u003c/span\u003e examination required by most \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ehigher-education\u003c/span\u003e institutions in the United States for admission into college. The test is designed to assess math, verbal and reasoning abilities."},{"id":"244528","word":"schooner:","def":"a sailing ship with sails set lengthwise (fore and aft) and having from two to as many as seven masts."},{"id":"261879","word":"science, physical:","def":"any of the sciences, such as physics and chemistry, that study and analyze the nature and properties of energy and nonliving matter."},{"id":"169921","word":"Scientology:","def":"Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. The term Scientology is taken from the Latin \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003escio,\u003c/span\u003e which means “knowing in the fullest sense of the word,” and the Greek word \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003elogos, \u003c/span\u003emeaning “study of.” In itself the word means literally “knowing how to know.” Scientology is further defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life."},{"id":"261924","word":"Scientology:","def":"a book written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1956. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eScientology: The Fundamentals of Thought\u003c/span\u003e is the Basic Book on the theory and practice of Scientology."},{"id":"254825","word":"score:","def":"adapt (a piece of music) for a particular style of performance by voices or instruments; arrange."},{"id":"245071","word":"scourge:","def":"something that causes widespread or great trouble or misery."},{"id":"262012","word":"screenwriter:","def":"the writer of a script that is intended to be filmed."},{"id":"254824","word":"script:","def":"write or prepare a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003escript,\u003c/span\u003e the text of a film, play or radio or television broadcast, including the words to be spoken and often also technical directions."},{"id":"254722","word":"scriptures:","def":"the sacred writings of a religion."},{"id":"257376","word":"Sea Organization:","def":"the religious order of the Scientology religion, consisting of Scientologists who have pledged themselves to eternal service. The Sea Organization derives its name from its beginnings in 1967 when Sea Org members lived and worked aboard a flotilla of ships."},{"id":"234329","word":"secular:","def":"of or pertaining to things that are not regarded as religious or sacred."},{"id":"262004","word":"security (maximum, medium, minimum):","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esecurity\u003c/span\u003e refers to the ranking of a prison, based on the degree of protection or defense against escape. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMaximum security prisons\u003c/span\u003e generally hold prisoners serving long sentences for serious crimes such as murder, robbery, kidnapping or the like. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMedium security prisons\u003c/span\u003e hold prisoners convicted of less serious crimes, such as assaults and small thefts. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eMinimum security prisons\u003c/span\u003e are for people convicted of nonviolent crimes, such as cheating on taxes."},{"id":"254763","word":"seeded:","def":"filled or furnished with something that grows or stimulates growth or development."},{"id":"17570","word":"seminal:","def":"highly influential in the development of future events."},{"id":"259380","word":"serial:","def":"any of the short movies shown as a series of up to fifteen separate installments, often in conjunction with a \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003efull-length\u003c/span\u003e film. These short films, each with a dramatic ending, drew the audience back each week for the next exciting chapter in the story."},{"id":"251664","word":"service industry:","def":"the types of businesses that provide personal and professional services to others but that are not involved in manufacturing. Examples of such businesses are banks, hotels and restaurants."},{"id":"254787","word":"set design:","def":"the combination of artistic details or architectural features that make up a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eset,\u003c/span\u003e a construction representing a place, room or scene in which the action takes place in a stage, motion picture or television production."},{"id":"261933","word":"Seven Division Scientology Organizing Board:","def":"the chart, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, showing the pattern of organization and every function relative to successful group activity. The Organizing Board contains seven divisions, each with specific duties and functions."},{"id":"254872","word":"seven seas:","def":"a reference to all the seas and oceans of the world or a great expanse of water in general. Throughout the centuries, the term has been used for the various seas and oceans known to people at the time."},{"id":"152390","word":"shaman:","def":"a priest or priestess who is said to act as an intermediary between natural and supernatural worlds and to use magic to cure ailments, foretell the future and to contact and control spiritual forces."},{"id":"254652","word":"sheer:","def":"the most complete and utter (used to emphasize the unlimited extent of something)."},{"id":"153618","word":"short, in:","def":"introducing a summary statement of what has been previously stated in a few words; in summary."},{"id":"254747","word":"shrill:","def":"marked by a sharp insistence on being heard; demanding."},{"id":"257391","word":"Shrine Auditorium:","def":"a landmark auditorium in Los Angeles, California. Built in the 1920s, the Shrine is one of the largest enclosed theaters in the United States, with a stage almost 200 feet (65 meters) wide and with seating for more than 6,000 people."},{"id":"261895","word":"sibling(s):","def":"a brother or sister."},{"id":"178730","word":"signpost:","def":"literally, a long piece of wood or other material set upright into the ground bearing a sign that gives information or directions, such as the proper road to a place or the like. Hence, any immediate indication, obvious clue, guide, etc."},{"id":"256171","word":"Silverberg, Robert:","def":"(1935– ) American author of hundreds of science fiction stories and more than a hundred novels. Widely published since the 1950s, he has won five Nebula Awards and five Hugo Awards and was named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 2004. In addition to his extensive writing career, he has been a Writers of the Future Contest judge since its first year in 1984."},{"id":"254776","word":"single:","def":"a short record with one song on each side."},{"id":"245716","word":"socioeconomic:","def":"of or involving both social and economic factors such as work experience and economic or social position, based on income, education and occupation."},{"id":"253853","word":"sojourn:","def":"a temporary stay."},{"id":"38488","word":"sonic:","def":"relating to or using sound; hence audible to the human ear."},{"id":"251645","word":"Soweto:","def":"a township in northeastern South Africa, located 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of Johannesburg, the largest city in the country. The name Soweto stands for \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eSouth-Western\u003c/span\u003e Townships."},{"id":"254665","word":"Spanish Lake:","def":"the international headquarters and training campus of Applied Scholastics International, located in Spanish Lake, a community near St. Louis, Missouri, in the central United States."},{"id":"198438","word":"Special Officer:","def":"a patrol officer licensed by the police department. Special Officers either remain in a specific area to guard it or patrol a neighborhood on behalf of the local merchants. They are armed, uniformed and generally have the same duties as a regular police officer when on patrol."},{"id":"245316","word":"speculative:","def":"of writing that is usually considered to include fantasy, horror, science fiction and the like, dealing with worlds unlike the real world."},{"id":"78122","word":"spell out:","def":"explain something simply and in detail."},{"id":"262030","word":"Spider Returns, The:","def":"a 1941 movie serial based on the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ecrime-fighting\u003c/span\u003e character the Spider, from the pulp magazine stories of author Norvell Page (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1904–1961\u003c/span\u003e). \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThe Spider Returns\u003c/span\u003e was a sequel to an earlier serial, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThe Spider’s Web,\u003c/span\u003e based on the adventures of the same character."},{"id":"250032","word":"Sportsman Pilot, The:","def":"a monthly American aviation magazine published from around 1930 until 1943. It contained writings on a wide range of subjects, including coverage of aerial sporting events, commentary on current aviation issues, technical articles on flying as well as other articles on topics of general interest."},{"id":"250237","word":"Standard Magazines:","def":"a publishing company that produced a number of \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003ewell-known\u003c/span\u003e pulp magazines, such as \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThrilling Adventures, Thrilling Detective, Thrilling Western, Startling Stories \u003c/span\u003eand others.\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003e \u003c/span\u003eOperating from the 1930s to the early 1960s, the company was also called Thrilling Publications, Beacon Magazines and Better Publications."},{"id":"251684","word":"Stanislavsky:","def":"stage name of Konstantin Sergeyevich Alekseyev (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1863–1938\u003c/span\u003e), Russian actor, producer, director and teacher."},{"id":"159481","word":"status quo:","def":"the state in which something is: the existing state of affairs, usually implying one that is unchanging as desired by certain groups or individuals."},{"id":"259385","word":"stewardship:","def":"conduct of the office of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esteward,\u003c/span\u003e someone who manages the property or finances of another; management; control."},{"id":"152981","word":"stimulus-response:","def":"a certain stimulus (something that rouses a person or thing to activity or energy or that produces a reaction in the body) automatically giving a certain response."},{"id":"211241","word":"stint:","def":"a period of time spent doing something."},{"id":"257392","word":"storm, taking by:","def":"creating a great impression upon; captivating; becoming quickly popular or famous."},{"id":"245403","word":"Street \u0026amp; Smith:","def":"a large American publishing company established in the \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003emid-1800s\u003c/span\u003e that put out a large number of periodicals and pulp magazines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, such as \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eAstounding Science Fiction\u003c/span\u003e magazine and \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUnknown\u003c/span\u003e magazine."},{"id":"261867","word":"strokes, broad:","def":"literally, a wide mark of a pen or pencil when writing or a brush when painting. Hence \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ebroad strokes,\u003c/span\u003e a general view or picture of a topic or subject."},{"id":"222630","word":"Study Technology:","def":"the term given to the methods developed by L. Ron Hubbard that enable individuals to study effectively. It is an exact technology that anyone can use to learn a subject or to acquire a new skill. It provides an understanding of the fundamental principles of how to learn and gives precise ways to overcome the barriers and pitfalls one can encounter during study, such as going by misunderstood words or symbols."},{"id":"162455","word":"stumbling block:","def":"an obstacle or hindrance to progress or understanding."},{"id":"245885","word":"subchaser:","def":"a shortening of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esubmarine chaser,\u003c/span\u003e a small patrol vessel, usually \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e100–200\u003c/span\u003e feet (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e30–60\u003c/span\u003e meters) long, designed for military operations against submarines."},{"id":"259320","word":"subjectively:","def":"in a way that is experienced personally, as an individual."},{"id":"205322","word":"suite(s):","def":"a group of rooms designed to be used together."},{"id":"250338","word":"suit, follow:","def":"do the same as something else has done; follow an example set."},{"id":"262008","word":"sum and substance:","def":"main idea or essence (of something)."},{"id":"260084","word":"supercargo:","def":"an officer who is in charge of the cargo and commercial matters aboard a merchant ship."},{"id":"254687","word":"supermax:","def":"describing a prison that is made secure by the most extensive and elaborate security arrangements that are available or in current use."},{"id":"177887","word":"Sussex:","def":"a county of southeastern England. Saint Hill is located in East Grinstead, Sussex."},{"id":"41174","word":"switchboard:","def":"literally, a board containing switches and other devices for controlling electric flows, used to connect and disconnect communication lines. Used figuratively in reference to the brain, which functions as the control center of the nervous system by receiving information from the senses, analyzing it and deciding how the body should respond."},{"id":"262019","word":"symphonic:","def":"of or having to do with harmony of sound, such as from a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003esymphony orchestra,\u003c/span\u003e a large orchestra that includes many different instruments playing together."},{"id":"245746","word":"synergy:","def":"combined or cooperative action or force."},{"id":"244748","word":"synthesizer:","def":"any of various electronic consoles or modules, usually computerized, used to produce sounds unobtainable from ordinary musical instruments or to imitate instruments and voices."},{"id":"192953","word":"Tagalogs:","def":"members of the ethnic group that is native to Manila (seaport and capital of the Philippines) and the surrounding region."},{"id":"262018","word":"“tapestry”:","def":"figuratively, something that is rich, varied or intricately interwoven, likened to a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003etapestry,\u003c/span\u003e a piece of strong cloth decorated with pictures that are painted, embroidered or woven in colors, used for a wall hanging."},{"id":"162474","word":"technology:","def":"the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. In Scientology, the term \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003etechnology\u003c/span\u003e refers to the methods of application of Scientology principles to improve the functions of the mind and rehabilitate the potentials of the spirit, developed by L. Ron Hubbard."},{"id":"192966","word":"tenet(s):","def":"something accepted as an important truth; any of a set of established and fundamental beliefs, such as one relating to religion."},{"id":"261989","word":"Tennant, Forest:","def":"noted physician and author who started a pain clinic in 1975. A former army medical officer, Dr. Tennant has been a consultant to a number of government bodies, including the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as to professional sports leagues."},{"id":"256804","word":"Terra Incognita:","def":"an unknown or unexplored land, region or subject. The term is Latin for “unknown land.”"},{"id":"220183","word":"thence:","def":"from there; from that place."},{"id":"261875","word":"thesis:","def":"a systematic treatment of a subject that includes results of original research and establishes, by proof or evidence, the existence or truth of specific phenomena."},{"id":"166670","word":"Thompson, Commander:","def":"Joseph Cheesman Thompson (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1874–1943\u003c/span\u003e), a commander and surgeon in the United States Navy who studied Freudian analysis with Sigmund Freud (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1856–1939\u003c/span\u003e)."},{"id":"250238","word":"Thrilling Adventures:","def":"a pulp magazine produced by the publishing company of Thrilling Publications (also known as Standard Magazines, Beacon Magazines and Better Publications). The company also produced pulp magazines such as \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eThrilling Detective, Thrilling Western, Startling Stories\u003c/span\u003e and others."},{"id":"220491","word":"Tibetan lamaseries:","def":"monasteries of \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003elamas,\u003c/span\u003e priests or monks in \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eLamaism,\u003c/span\u003e a branch of Buddhism that seeks to find release from the suffering of life and attain a state of complete happiness and peace. Lamaism originated in Tibet."},{"id":"43564","word":"Tilden, Nebraska:","def":"a town in the northeastern part of Nebraska, a state in the central part of the United States."},{"id":"257214","word":"timbre:","def":"the quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch (high or low sounding) and volume (loud or soft). For example, the difference in timbre between a flute and a violin makes them sound different even if they play a note of the same pitch and with the same volume."},{"id":"201771","word":"Tlingit:","def":"a Native North American people of the coastal regions of southern Alaska and northern British Columbia, Canada."},{"id":"256797","word":"tone:","def":"the momentary or continuing emotional state of a person."},{"id":"251379","word":"township:","def":"(in South Africa) a segregated residential settlement for blacks, located outside a city or town."},{"id":"197225","word":"trade school(s):","def":"a school that gives instruction in skilled trades, such as carpentry or automobile repair."},{"id":"261988","word":"traffic:","def":"deal or trade (in something illegal)."},{"id":"250272","word":"transferring:","def":"putting a track or several tracks together onto one final track. This is different than straight copying because it can involve mixing to get proper volume."},{"id":"153005","word":"travail:","def":"pain or suffering resulting from conditions that are mentally or physically difficult to overcome."},{"id":"254848","word":"tribal medicine man:","def":"a person believed to have supernatural powers of curing disease and controlling spirits, as in a \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003etribal\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003egroup,\u003c/span\u003e a local division of a Native North American people."},{"id":"254815","word":"United States Navy Reserve:","def":"part of the United States Navy in which members, called \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eReservists,\u003c/span\u003e are registered with the navy and may be called into active duty as needed or required but who do not otherwise hold positions in the navy as a career."},{"id":"101565","word":"unmitigated:","def":"not lessened in force or intensity."},{"id":"261748","word":"USS Henderson:","def":"a United States naval transport vessel from 1917, when she transported troops to Europe during World War I (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1914–1918\u003c/span\u003e), until her reassignment as a hospital ship in 1943 during World War II (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1939–1945\u003c/span\u003e). During the 1920s and 1930s, the \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eHenderson\u003c/span\u003e was primarily assigned transport duties in the Pacific Ocean. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUSS\u003c/span\u003e is an abbreviation for \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUnited States Ship\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"261889","word":"USS President Madison:","def":"a ship built in 1921, named after American president James Madison (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1751–1836\u003c/span\u003e), on which LRH and his mother crossed the Pacific in 1927, visiting Hawaii, Japan, China and the Philippines. The final leg of their journey took them to the naval station in Guam. \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUSS,\u003c/span\u003e as used on commercial vessels, is an abbreviation for \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUnited States Steamship\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"257188","word":"USS Ulysses S. Grant:","def":"a military transport ship that began service in 1917, during World War I (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1914–1918\u003c/span\u003e). Her transport duties continued during the 1920s and 1930s, chiefly in the Pacific Ocean and through the Panama Canal. Her final service was during World War II (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1939–1945\u003c/span\u003e). The ship was named for Ulysses S. Grant (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1822–1885\u003c/span\u003e), Civil War general and eighteenth president of the United States (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1869–1877\u003c/span\u003e). \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUSS\u003c/span\u003e is an abbreviation for \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003eUnited States Ship\u003c/span\u003e."},{"id":"250244","word":"van Vogt, A. E.:","def":"Alfred Elton van Vogt (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1912–2000\u003c/span\u003e), \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003eCanadian-born\u003c/span\u003e science fiction writer who began his \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003edecades-long\u003c/span\u003e career during science fiction’s Golden Age (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1939–1949\u003c/span\u003e). Esteemed in the science fiction field, van Vogt was presented the Grand Master Award by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1995."},{"id":"253960","word":"vehemence:","def":"the quality of being \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003evehement,\u003c/span\u003e expressing something with conviction or intense feeling."},{"id":"252067","word":"vehicle:","def":"a medium of communication, expression or display."},{"id":"257402","word":"vein:","def":"a particular quality or characteristic."},{"id":"160754","word":"veritable:","def":"being truly or very much so."},{"id":"251681","word":"Versailles:","def":"a city in northern France, about 12 miles (19 kilometers) southwest of Paris. Versailles is particularly noted as the site of the palace and gardens of the kings of France, built in the 1600s, now a national museum."},{"id":"95215","word":"Vienna:","def":"the capital of Austria, where Sigmund Freud (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1856–1939\u003c/span\u003e) founded psychoanalysis."},{"id":"17461","word":"volitional:","def":"of or related to the act of consciously choosing."},{"id":"259626","word":"wake of, in the:","def":"\u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ewake\u003c/span\u003e is the visible trail (of agitated and disturbed water) left by something, such as a ship, moving through water. Hence a condition left behind someone or something that has passed; following as a consequence."},{"id":"179979","word":"Washington Herald:","def":"an American newspaper published in Washington, DC, from 1906 to 1939."},{"id":"246204","word":"washout curve:","def":"the graphic representation of the change occurring over a period of time (curve) concerning the elimination of drugs or chemicals from the body (washout)."},{"id":"251644","word":"Watts:","def":"a neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles, California, where high unemployment, poverty and social injustices led to riots in 1965. The area experienced a high incidence of \u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003edrug-related\u003c/span\u003e gang violence from the 1970s through the early 1990s."},{"id":"152536","word":"Western Hills:","def":"a range of hills in China, situated northwest of the Chinese capital, Beijing. The range is known for its many temples and has long been a religious retreat."},{"id":"261787","word":"whilst:","def":"a chiefly British term meaning during the time that; while."},{"id":"256169","word":"Williamson, Jack:","def":"John Stewart Williamson (\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1908–2006\u003c/span\u003e), American science fiction writer named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. Author of numerous short stories and novels, his writing career spanned more than seven decades. Well known for his teaching and lecturing, Williamson was also an instructor at the original Writers of the Future workshop and for two decades he served as a judge of the Writers of the Future Contest."},{"id":"255064","word":"Winchell, Walter:","def":"(\u003cspan class=\"export-NoBreak\"\u003e1897–1972\u003c/span\u003e) famous US journalist and broadcaster whose newspaper columns and radio news broadcasts gave him a massive audience and great influence in the United States in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s."},{"id":"220384","word":"wiping out:","def":"removing or eliminating something, as when one sound cancels another sound."},{"id":"159673","word":"wit, to:","def":"used to introduce a list or explanation of what one has just mentioned. Originally a phrase used in law, \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ethat is to wit,\u003c/span\u003e which meant that is to know, that is to say."},{"id":"259573","word":"WOL:","def":"the group of letters (termed \u003cspan class=\"export-Italic\"\u003ecall letters\u003c/span\u003e) that identify a radio transmitting station, in this case a radio station located in Washington, DC. Radio WOL began operating in the late 1920s, making it one of the oldest radio stations in Washington, DC."},{"id":"261931","word":"word, in a:","def":"expressed in a concise way; briefly."},{"id":"253371","word":"wrought:","def":"brought about or caused."},{"id":"162557","word":"yardstick:","def":"a standard used to judge the quality, value or success of something."}]}